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Vendor Registration: Open

We will announce registration opening through our social media pages.  Make sure you follow us on Facebook at to get all of the latest updates!


Each vendor/artist space has a corresponding number.  On your registration form, you will have a drop down menu that will show which numbers are still available.  Please select from this menu.


Booth spaces are 10 feet by 10 feet.  They include one 8 foot table and 2 chairs. Table spaces include one 8 foot table, the space directly behind it, and 2 chairs. Booth space vendors can design and arrange the space however you’d like.  Table vendors must keep their table(s) inline with the tables around them.


Artists, crafters and creators are limited to Artist Alley. 


If you are going to be selling art (sketches, paintings, drawings, crafts, authors, etc), make sure you select a table or booth located in Artist Alley, and click on "Artist Registration."  STCC may limit the number of certain types of vendors or artists.  


If the majority of your product is made by you, i.e. candles, bead art, jewelry, etc, STCC categorizes this type of product as crafts or art and will be limited to Artist Alley.  Please note your product must be fandom related. 



Artist Alley Table: $150 each   SOLD OUT!!!

Artist Alley Booth: $225 each   SOLD OUT!!!

​Vendor Booth: $225 ($200 per add'l vendor booth)  SOLD OUT!!!

​Corner Booth: $275 each   SOLD OUT!!!

​Vendor Table: $125 ($100 per add'l vendor table)   SOLD OUT!!!

​Premium Vendor Table (Tables 115-126): $150 each  SOLD OUT!!!

Vendor Tables (129-132):  $100 each SOLD OUT!!!​

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